It’s Friday,

and although I am sorely tempted to talk about politics, I won’t. I woke up this morning and it was quite foggy. It’s starting to lift now, so hopefully it will be a sunny day as has been forecast. It’s the end of July, and US Independence Day will be here on Tuesday. I should talk about that, since it’s proving to be an interesting year so far. That would bring us into politics though. Speaking of foggy, I will predict that Joe Biden is going to be replaced for the 2024 election. By the look of him, he’s being left to hang out to dry by his enablers. Yesterday Joe was doing a TV interview with MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace. The interview was over and Joe suddenly got up awkwardly out of his chair before the host had even signed off, and walked off the set. For someone who has spent a lifetime grooming the media, Joe should have known better.

Just walk away Renee…

Whoever has the job of telling Joe what to do through the earpiece he most probably wears at all times, failed to tell him to stay there until the camera’s red lights went off, but they didn’t. It’s simply something a media savvy politician does not do, unless they are angrily storming off the set. Joe wasn’t angry though, he just seemed confused, which is now the new normal for him.

I believe we’re going to be watching Biden sundowning in real time, live on TV, and it’s going to be entertaining for a while, until they can figure out how to gracefully retire him out of the public eye. Gavin Newsom patiently is waiting in the wings. That’s my opinion on it anyway.

I don’t know what I’m going to do this weekend. Some video editing probably. I have to mow the grass again, because everything is growing at twice the rate because of the rain. This is what it was like the summer before last. There was a deer just outside this morning, a bear across the pond last week. The animals are getting closer. It would be nice to have a few kangaroos around the place. I dunno how they’d go up the woods. Probably crash into the trees. At one time this used to be sheep grazing land. All of this that I can see from the back deck, would have been grass and sheep. You can tell it was once that way because there are many stone fences all over this property. Up on the hill there is a large ancient, rusting piece of farm equipment that was parked there one day, and never used again.

Ben , this looks like a typo…

The original house was built in 1800, 223 years ago, and only 14 years after Independence from the British Crown was declared, when a group of men came together in the summer of 1776 to figure out how to break from British rule. The Revolutionary war had started the year before, and then went on for eight more years, until the last British occupation of New York City ended on November 25, 1783. It wasn’t easy, and almost failed many times. Benjamin Franklin was one of the editors and signatories of the Declaration of Independence. After Washington had been elected as the first president of the newly minted Republic he said, ““The first man put at the helm will be a good one. Nobody knows what sort may come afterwards,”. We now know how that turned out. Someone has put signs up here in New Hampshire which read, “1776 or 1984? The choice is yours”.

Well, what’s it gonna be, punk?

Happy Friday.